How Digital Hardcover Bookbinding Can Lead to New Business
A White Paper
How Digital Hardcover Bookbinding
Can Lead to New Business
By Denis Wilson, Editor-in-chief of Book Business and Publishing Executive
Digital printing has come a long way. Though early applications were often crude and expertise sometimes lacking, digital printing took off in some niches where the technology and the market demands aligned, such as in photobooks and on-demand self-publishing. Today, a technology that initially gained a lot of traction among those outside the traditional printing industry has evolved to become another weapon in the commercial printing arsenal. As quality has improved and costs have decreased, digital printing is now finding wider applications, especially in the book-manufacturing sector.
As editor-in-chief, Denis analyzes and reports on the fundamental changes affecting the publishing industry and aims to serve content-driven businesses with practical and strategic insight. As a writer, Fast Company, Rolling Stone, Fortune, and The New York Times have published Denis’ work.